"Boss, look at the ground!"

Two dog rubbed his sleepy eyes to get a big surprise. "I went to two again? Pear fragrance thanks to your blood, wood blade! Otherwise, we will die! "
"Boss, we are so passive. Please send someone to investigate who invited such a powerful teacher of Yin and Yang?"
"I’ve sent people and have the ability to invite Wei Changming’s master Wong Tai Sin, Lu Xiaobing and Lian Zhanjun, but Wong Tai Sin ruled out the suspicion!"
"Boss, there is also a master in our country who can control the yin and yang of paper men. Her name is Butian Xingli. Do you want to give her a million dollars to ask her to come and help?" Tian Huili sweet advice way
"Pear fragrance, it’s a good idea for you to have a teacher of Yin and Yang to deal with the teacher of Yin and Yang, but you can fly back to China today and give you three million classics. You must go to Butian apricot pear!"
"Boss, I have money to pay for it!"
Two discuss properly skin two dog is to get up and get dressed and go to Yang Xiuli room at a glance to confirm that she is all right.
After breakfast, Tian Huilixiang packed her luggage and flew back to Sakura Country at nine planets Airport.
Seeing off the pear skin two dog somehow felt a sense of loss. Pear has been with him for so long. This is the first time that she has returned to China. He is really afraid that Pear will never come back!
Worry comes back to worry that the day will pass.
This guy’s a big surprise now is that he has a relationship with Wang Xingyan. The little girl suspects that he stripped off his clothes. He has to say that Xiao Manying, the only witness, helps to prove his innocence.
I was just about to make a conversation and ask her. I didn’t expect words, but I came in. It was Yang Xiuli who called, "Brother Dog, come home and someone is looking for you!" Then I hung up.
Pi two dog raced back to Hanlinju to take the door, and Xiao Manying played in the living room. When she saw him, she got up and said, "two dog, you are lucky. I successfully said that the shareholders of Qianli International agreed that you would control the pharmaceutical business group company, which is mainly two hundred chain pharmacies all over the country! Is divided into proportion problem-"
"Divided into proportion, I hold other houses than two! Without this talk! " Pi two dog assumed a non-negotiable posture
"The maximum limit given to me by the two dog shareholders’ meeting is seven to three. After all, Qianli International is not alone. You make everyone easy to talk to, right?" Xiao Manying just called him to the bedroom door and then she lay in bed. She pointed her finger at him and said, "Let’s talk about two dog business later. Let’s be happy first?"
"Manager Xiao, you won’t tell me you don’t have a boyfriend, will you?" Xiao Manying said that she was 27 years old and knew that she was not married, but her family status and value said that she was not stupid as a boyfriend.
"two dog, I have a boyfriend?" Xiao Manying naughty way
"Then have fun with your boyfriend. I’m not that kind of person!"
"poof, my boyfriend is you. I want to be happy. Don’t you find someone else?" As Xiao Manying said, he just slipped up when he slipped on the bed. Suddenly, he twisted and twisted in front of him, and suddenly he came to him with a sigh of relief.
Pi two dog’s nosebleed came out and she tried to push her away. Her hands and feet were possessed and she didn’t listen.
Two straight kiss for several minutes, Xiao Manying was dazed and shouted "two dog, give me what I want-"
Pi two dog became restless. He pushed Xiao Manying away and said, "The goblin is afraid of you!" Say that finish is the soles of the feet anointed with oil and fled from the room.
Deng Deng Deng went to the yard and watched two insects fighting among the flowers.
It’s early September, autumn, autumn, tiger days are fierce, and the sun shines the hot sun into the green courtyard greatly.
I’m in a trance. I don’t talk before I go straight. Suddenly I run my teeth and grab his neck!
On the second floor, Yang Xiuli Zun saw this thrilling scene from the window, which scared her to scream and scream. The clothes in the house and the smoke heard the call to grab a handful of blood. wood blade rushed behind the paper man and didn’t get close to it. The paper man screamed and turned into a piece of paper and fell to the ground.
Pi two dog was pinched by dirty things and gasped for a long time. He coughed, "Cigarettes are lucky you came at the right time!"
"Master, why don’t I wait on you personally these days and have a helper?" Smoke watery looked at him and said
"Smoke smoke a few paper men can’t stand me. You are the main manager of medicinal materials. Go!"
Two dog tried to call Wang Xingyan after he sent away the cigarette skin.
Chapter 475 Wang Xingyan sex
Dialed once, Wang Xingyan didn’t pick up the device for the first time, and then called Wang Xingyan for the second time. "Does Wang Egg have the face to call me?" Then you have to say that you have found a witness and asked someone to help you testify, right? "
"ah? How do you know that Qianli International E Xiao Manying Cheng witnessed it? She can prove that it was really two men in black stripping at that time! " Pi two dog explained the resistance.
"two dog don’t insult my IQ? Xiao Manying is looking for you to agree with her testimony. Can it be true? If she doesn’t give you a certificate, you won’t marry her! "
Alas, this woman is very clever. No matter how much she says, it’s useless. Anyway, I didn’t do anything, and I feel guilty.
Thought of here, Pi two dog hung up and strode back to the living room to see Xiao Manying talking on the sofa. She watched him say, "two dog, you win! Finally, when did the board of directors agree to split the counter into two parts? Do you sign now? "
The real skin two dog and Xiao Manying’s holding method is different from that of Wong Tai Sin noodle. Qianli international flag chain pharmacy has its own medicine to sell this skin. two dog is not divided into reality. Xiao Manying split a counter from the chain pharmacy to sell skin two dog famous anti-fate medicinal materials, such as Cynomorium pills.
After all, Pi two dog, no matter how he goes against the sky, can also produce all the medicines. What’s worse, most of the medicines in large pharmacies are western medicines.
Holding in the form of counters is the best channel for Pi two dog to take sales.
Chain pharmacies have their own counters, so it’s much easier for them to take delivery of goods. Every city spends a lot of manpower and material resources to open branches, which means that after the Cynomorium pill factory is built, Cynomorium pill production will enter the automatic production line, and he will hand over Cynomorium pills to counters all over the country and wait for the money.
"It seems that you are prepared, but there is still a counter assistant who must be dispatched by Danai Company. Is this all right?"
"It’s you at the counter. Of course you have the final say?" Xiao Manying didn’t give up hope. I didn’t expect this big order to be negotiated. She is so excited now. To tell the truth, there are 200 chains in thousands of miles of pharmacies all over the country, but half of them don’t make money, which is also a little petty profit. There are also some branches where foreign monks are squeezed into soup because everyone’s medicine is almost the same. You have it and I have it.
In the passive situation, Xiao Manying needs to seek new economic growth points. The quickest way to grow the economic environment is to sell differently. If you want to sell differently, you naturally have to find medicines that others can’t get, such as Pi two dog Suoyang Pills, which are exclusively produced in China. Except for several local partners, Xiao Manying’s pharmacy can buy them.
You know, Cynomorium songaricum pills are what men dream of buying. Which shipment won’t cause a big snap?
Xiao Manying can almost imagine what the fire and explosion sales scene is like. For example, it is easy for two dog to give her 2,000 capsules in a small-scale pharmacy like Prynne, and it is easy to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.
"Xiao Jie declared that you have an innate advantage and handed it over to you!" This guy a face of base laughed
"Ok, I have nothing to lose. After all, who and who are we?" Xiao Manying suddenly thought of this guy’s kiss, and immediately he felt so ashamed that his little heart pounded. "By the way, what other medicinal materials are available in your counter besides Cynomorium pills?"
"Well, there is a health care factory in my provincial capital, which mainly goes against the fate of Sanqi raw material production to increase the epidemic force. After the asphalt road in Danai Village was opened to traffic, the first batch of go against Sanqi will soon come out. This batch of go against Sanqi has planted two hundred acres, and most of them will come to the health care factory! It can be shipped in a week at most! "
"Go against notoginseng? This is a good medicinal material, which can relieve swelling and pain, enhance the epidemic force of human body, and make it into health care, which will definitely sell well! By the way, how many kilograms can an acre produce? " Xiao Manying tenderly said
"500 Jin per mu"
"The two hundred mu can produce about one hundred thousand jins! Wow, this is not out of stock. Haha, great! " Xiao Manying is elated and happy to laugh.
"I signed the exclusive goods with Baixing, a Chinese herbal medicine giant, against the sky. It is estimated that she will take 20,000 kilograms and pull it to the factory, which is about 70,000 kilograms!"
"That’s a lot. What’s your health care name? I’ll get some boxes of filial piety for the elderly at home another day!"
"The price of Da Nai Health Oral Liquid is set at 100 yuan for a big gift package!"
"two dog, you are the fate of medicinal materials producing countries, and you are the only one who can produce it. If the effect of health preservation is great, isn’t the asking price of one hundred yuan a little low? I think your positioning is not high enough! " Xiao Manying expressed different opinions.
"Danai health oral liquid has just started in the market. Not being too high-end will scare away many people. If the market needs it, of course it can be properly priced, don’t you think?"
"Well, then sign the contract!"
Xiao Manying took out a double contract and came to Pi two dog to look at it. Then he added it in proportion and then with a stroke of a pen. Since then, every big pharmacy in Qianli International Banner has an extra counter for medicine.
After signing the contract, Pi two dog sent cigarettes to send the contract to the company. Cao Man bowed his hand and recruited local staff. This requires dividing up regions and sending a personnel manager to complete the staff recruitment step by step.
It doesn’t need Pi two dog to hand it over to Cao Mangong.
At 10 o’clock in the afternoon, Pi two dog and Xiao Manying drove to Wang Xingyan’s residential building. As a result, Wang Xingyan didn’t want to see him. Pi two dog couldn’t make a good conversation and called Wen Qiaoqiao.
Wen Qiao Qiao knows the ins and outs of stripping things in distress situation. "Hey, what did I say, two dog? You’re not the kind of person who actually does that. How can the street treat Sister Wang like that? I don’t believe it! " Wen Qiao Qiao said that she kissed two dog with Pi two dog last month, but this guy just kissed the root and didn’t do anything to her.
"Qiao Qiao elder sister I this person is like beauty to see beauty feet can’t move, but I never forced to do it like forced stripping! I don’t know how many times … Why don’t you call Sister Wang first? "
"Well, I’ll call her!" After talking about Wen Qiaoqiao, I dialed Wang Xingyan in one sentence. As soon as she answered, she was on fire and said, "Sister Wang has a big accident! There is a big accident in the supermarket!" During this period, Wang Xingyan’s supermarket was busy when it opened. Wang Xingyan invested thousands of dollars in this supermarket, and she quickly ran downstairs.
Wen Qiao Qiao smiled when she appeared. "Sister Wang’s supermarket is fine, but Pi two dog is fine!"
"Wow, you betrayed me?" Wang Xingyan turned his head in anger and left. Wen Qiaoqiao grabbed him and called him aside to persuade him, "Sister Wang, I know that Pi two dog won’t do it. He is wronged!"
"You’re not so sure? Why? "
"Sister Wang took the initiative to bring two dog closer next month … you know, as a result, he just didn’t have me! You said he wouldn’t touch him when he delivered the door. How can he do anything in the street? " Wen Qiao Qiao Xin said to help two dog clear his grievances so that he could shake out his secret.
"What? Qiao Qiao you! You don’t have to sacrifice your dignity with me and my dad, the director of township enterprises. Fortunately, Pi two dog doesn’t have that, otherwise you will lose a lot! " Wang Xingyan a face of sad way
"Yes, I’m sure there’s something else I don’t know about the stripping incident! You see, all the witnesses in two dog have come to Sister Wang, so forget it! What about your supermarket in case two dog turns against you? When two dog is out of stock, we will throw money into the water! " Wen Qiao Qiao has the meaning of a coward.
"Oh, really! See how confused I am? Two dog is our God of Wealth. He can never afford to offend him. If he is out of stock, we will be finished with 10 million! " Give Wen Qiao Qiao a wake-up Wang Xingyan suddenly like an sobering wake-up.