By the time Wan Yanliang killed Wan Yanqiu and succeeded him as emperor, Zhao Jinnu’s old Zhu Huang couldn’t win the favor of Wan Yanliang, so he was placed in the city by Wan Yanliang and raised by her children, and he lived silently to this day.

She wrote in her complaint that she didn’t miss her hometown for one day, and the paper was wrinkled, presumably because she cried too much in the process of writing.
If Su Yonglin hadn’t changed her fate and destroyed the state of Jin, she would have lived in the capital until she died and never returned to her hometown.
Zhao Fujin and Zhao Jinling both served Yan Hong Zong Han’s son Yan Hong She and Ma Zhao Fujin followed Yan Hong She and Ma Yan Hong She lived in Yan Hong’s home after her death.
Zhao Jinling was later married to Yanyun Han Wang Chengdi and lived in the Wangs for so many years.
Two people life is stable.
Zhao Jinling is relatively young. Jingkang is only three years old. She has no memory of her old country, and she doesn’t miss it. Life for many years is not too hard and she has less sorrow.
Zhao Fujin was taken away from her former husband, forcibly possessed by Yan Hong Sheya, and lived with him all the time, and her heart was full of pain.
From their grievances, Su Yonglin saw all the sorrow and sadness, as well as the strong nostalgia for the old country and the resentment that Zhao Gou did not save them from their suffering.
After reading nearly a hundred complaints, Su Yonglin did not continue to look.
For these royal families in the Northern Song Dynasty, he expressed sympathy for their experiences from a personal point of view, but it was also their father who asked for it. No wonder others deserved it and deserved to die.
There’s no point in keeping them here, but it’s nothing to have hundreds or nearly a thousand mouths to eat. It’s enough for him to have the royal family of Xu Guo to humiliate him.
Song Guo …
Su Yonglin still expects Zhao Gou people to be his prisoners.
So Su Yonglin began to plan to send these imperial families of the Northern Song Dynasty and their grandchildren born in Xu Guo back to the Southern Song Dynasty in batches, so that they could return to their old country and reunite with their "relatives" Zhao Gou, and see if they could get some money from the Southern Song Dynasty.
He really wants to know whether Zhao Gou will accept these relatives to return. If so, what kind of feeling will he feel when he sees these sad relatives return to the Southern Song Dynasty?
This is not a political attack against the Southern Song Dynasty. This is Su Yonglin’s personal attack on Zhao Gou.
Attack this coward without eggs.
You can’t save your family. I saved it for you. You can’t wash away the shame. I washed it for you and sent people back for you. Do you want to thank me?
This is purely Su’s personal bad taste.
These people are Zhao Gou scars and Song scars. It is suspected that it is the greatest irony for Song to be rescued and sent back by them.
As soon as Su Yonglin thought about this, he asked the Ministry to find these imperial families in the Northern Song Dynasty and let them prepare to meet them in person and give them a banquet and send them back to the Southern Song Dynasty.
However, Su Yonglin didn’t have the money to treat you if he could get an interview and a banquet with Hui Qin’s direct relatives, even if there were hundreds of people.
On the day of Su Yonglin’s banquet, he barely licked the emblem. The immediate relatives of Emperor Qin came to Zhongdu Palace in droves with excitement and anxiety.
They have heard that the general of the Guangfu Army will forgive them, release them and send them back to the Song State to reunite them with their relatives to solve their long-term lovesickness.
And when they saw Su Yonglin, they were very surprised.
Because they found that Su Yonglin was a little too young, he looked like a graceful aristocratic man, a bit like those tyrannical officials in the capital of song dynasty.
But not like a general who is galloping across the battlefield.
That’s it. People attacked Zhongdu with thousands of troops and did what they did to the Jin people in those days.
Is this really possible?
Every one of them has this question in his heart.
But since there is here, the identity of the other party is beyond doubt.
There is no doubt that he is Su Yonglin, the leader of the Guangfu Army, who perished in the state of Jin.
The graceful appearance hides the ambition of Jing Tian Wei.
So the oldest of them, Zhao Ji’s second daughter, Rong Dedi Ji Zhao Jinnu, personally kowtowed to Su Yonglin as a representative.
Thanks to Su Yonglin’s downfall of the State of Jin, he saved them and will send them back to their old country.
Chapter 521 Zhao Gou is worried.
Looking at the 60-year-old, white-haired Rongde Diji trembling and weeping while kneeling, Su Yonglin secretly sighed and lifted her up a few steps ago.
"It was my intention to find out that you were an accident. I didn’t kill the gold to save you. You need to thank me."
Zhao Jinnu kept sobbing in tears.
"This life is destined to bury the bones in other places, and I have long dared not expect that there will be a day when the general will destroy the gold and save us from sinners. Jin Nu will report his old age to the next life, and he will be a cow and a horse to report the general’s re-creation!"
Then she knelt down to kowtow to Su Yonglin again. Su Yonglin quickly lifted her up and shouted, no, no.
He doesn’t want to accept a 60-year-old woman kowtowing regardless of her status.
After Zhao Jinnu was grateful, everyone knelt down to him and expressed their willingness to be a cow and a horse in the next life in return for his kindness.
Shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
As a person, he still has some sympathy for these people, but from the bottom of his heart, he doesn’t feel how pitiful these people are and that they deserve to be rescued.
Maybe these people have done evil, maybe these people have not done evil, but when the country fails, a member of the ruling class of the country, they naturally deserve such punishment.
Just like the current group of Jin Guogui, if Jin Guogui fails, this group of Jin Guogui, who has absolute majority interests, will be found out by him and typically liquidated.
Your man had to be killed, and now he did kill him, while the woman was sentenced to three years, five years and ten years of labor reform, although she was not killed.
A member of their ruling class has enjoyed a happy life since childhood, so it is normal to be treated like this when the country breaks down and dies.
Besides, how can we have them if we are captured, killed and abused during the country’s destruction?
Thousands of Li people died tragically in the hands of Jin Jun, and more people were taken to Jin Guolun. Slaves died tragically and never left a name. Isn’t this group of people a part?
Compared with them, despite their tragic situation and mental pain, they didn’t eat less food.
No matter how painful it is, don’t you still live after eating for so many years?
Compared with the current ending, maybe history, they died in a foreign country and could never be redeemed. The ending is the best ending.
And now they have been redeemed in a certain sense.
Su Yonglin can’t help but sigh that sometimes the reality is really full of black humor, and fate always likes to joke with people, and always likes to give people a little surprise or shock inadvertently.
After Su Yonglin treated them to a good meal.
Xi Su Yonglin also asked about the birth situation of these direct relatives, so they introduced their children to Su Yonglin.
However, Su Yonglin asked the specific situation out of courtesy, and he knew it very well.
The boys who can be brought here are all Zhao’s blood, and Zhao’s children gave birth to Zhao’s blood. All the non-Zhao’s blood was put on Jin Guogui’s list for public trial and killing.
The girls said that no matter who his father was, since there was a Zhao mother, she was not put into Huanyi camp for labor reform.
The number of these second-generation people is still quite large, and they are in their twenties and teens, and they are still young. Looking at Su Yonglin’s eyes is timid and a little scared.
Later, Zhao Jinnu went to Su Yonglin and carefully asked him if he could let go of her sisters Jin Guobirthday boys.
Because Su Yonglin is conducting a large-scale public trial and execution of Jin Guogui, Jin Guogui is beheaded and killed every day.
Some empresses or daughters of Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, Zeng Jinguo, gave birth to boys and raised them. Later, they lived on their support. Now those boys may grow up and be on the killing list.
So they want to see if they can plead to save their children.
For this request, Su Yonglin refused without hesitation, and the female descendants can still discuss that men are absolutely not allowed.
"No, they have a special status, especially Jin Guogui, who must die and will not get preferential treatment because of you. I personally regret this, but the policy cannot be changed."
Zhao Jinnu’s mouth moved and seemed to have something to say, but after all, he didn’t say it, and his eyes were dim.
Finally, she nodded slightly and stopped asking about the ending.